I am an intuitive-feeler.
Which means most of the world was not made for someone like me. For someone who sees the abstract in every situation, who questions (everything), who finds meaning in authenticity, who ponders more than acts, who sits quietly at a party and would rather... watch.
I create. I write. I explore. I love, not understanding myself completely. I believe I will be on my death bed and say to someone:
Did I live authentically?
My life is an endless stream of dot dot dots.
- Intuitive-Feeling students approach learning eager to explore ideas, generate new solutions to problems, and discuss moral dilemmas. Their interests are varied and unpredictable, but they prefer activities which allow them to use their imaginations and do things in unique ways. They are turned off by routine or rote assignments and prefer questions which are open ended, such as "What would happen if...?"
- Intuitive Feelers are highly motivated by their own interests. Things of interest will be done inventively well. Things which they do not like may be done poorly or forgotten altogether. When engaged in a project which intrigues them, time is meaningless. Intuitive Feelers operate by an "internal clock" and, therefore, often feel constrained or frustrated by external rules or schedules.
- Intuitive Feelers are independent and nonconformist. They do not fear being different and are usually aware of their own and others' impulses. They are open to the irrational and not confined by convention. They are sensitive to beauty and symmetry and will comment on the aesthetic characteristics of things.
- Intuitive Feelers prefer not to follow step-by-step procedures but rather to move where their intuition takes them. They prefer to find their own solutions rather than being told what to do or how to do it. They are able to take intuitive leaps, and they trust their own insights. Intuitive Feelers often take circuitous routes to solving problems and may not be able to explain how they arrived at the answer.
- Highly adaptable to new solutions, Intuitive Feelers are flexible in thought and action. They prefer dynamic environments with many resources and materials. Intuitive Feelers, more than any other type, are less likely to be disturbed by changes in routine. They are comfortable working with a minimum of directions. Their work is sometimes scattered and may look chaotic to thinking types. Intuitive-Feeling learners are often engaged in a number of activities at the same time and move from one to the other according to where their interests take them. Often, they start more proejcts than they can finish.
Meet me. There I am. All scattered among those words, fluid and often times confused.
Meet the 10% of the world that does not meet the norm. That is often rejected by modern society. That questions and observes... you... the 90%. That yearns to be "normal" like you. That yearns to do "life" like you. That sees the 90% as a number to be desired... yet... our intuitiveness knows better.
We are who we are.
We are who we are.
But alas... we find ourselves in a predicament. Because... we know we will never be like you. And that's ok. It's ok to not be you. It's ok to desire alone time more than social time. It's ok to feel our perspectives out and live forever in the dot dot dot.
Growing up I was surrounding by the statement "Search... but then land."
Why land? When all I desire to do is search? To deny the very thing that defines me?
You can take your declarative statement. I'm happy with my interrogative one.
Cheers 10%, drinking an Old Vine Zin for you tonight.