
Week 14

How Far Along?

I am almost 14 weeks along! I suppose that means I right in the throws of the 2nd trimester which has been suchhhh a huge relief from the first one.


Baby is the size of an orange and is roughly 4 inches. When we had the 12 week ultra sound it was unreal to see that something so tiny could dance that much. 


I haven't felt any yet. There was some intestinal bloating and I thought FOR SURE it was some fluttering... but nothing yet. It's the best part.... I can't wait.

Changes in Body?

My body is definitely preparing for nursing.... which has been a real treat! I feel softer and thicker around the legs but a few of my jeans still fit. I look like I ate one too many slices of pie. It's like when you grow your hair out... it's that awkward stage.


I am starting to feel more uncomfortable when I sleep on my stomach or lay on my back for long periods of time. This is going to be a challenge for me as I LOVE sleeping on my back. I am still tired a lot and my energy drains quickly. I took Cohen to the grocery store and I swear, I finished and I needed a nap.


Salt and juice. I used to never want to eat a whole bag of chips... but you put some lime or bbq chips in front of me? Gone.

What I Miss?

I miss beer. It is cold outside and I want a nice brew. Zac has been so nice and gets beer I don't really like so I'm not even tempted. I have become QUITE the homemade hot chocolate drinker. I miss my energy, still!

What I'm Looking Forward To?

Getting our health insurance issues settled so we aren't stuck with horrendous debt. Getting bigger and actually showing!