

I have this thing in me that screams for me to write. Some call it "experience" others call it "thoughts" but I call it "creativity." I heard creativity described once as an organism. That it thrives when fed and nourished yet sadly dies as one puts it in a corner and neglects it.

I deactivated my typepad account. I was pleased as the numbers were growing but the thought of turning my creativity into a "blog" in the grandest sense of the word, severely displeased me.

I am not a blogger, I am a creator. Life moves me but I believe it does not move everyone.

Why should you read what I write?

I'm not sure. You don't have to. The fact that you are reading my words on your computer screen oddly seems trite. But I appreciate it. Because expressing my creativity is my heart's desire. Don't we all desire for others to grasp our longings? Feel our passions deeply? Become so engrossed in someone's words that we forget where we are, who we are, where we came from?

I do.

I hope I am that for you.

I'm back at blogspot here to stay because whether or not you like what I am writing... thanks for reading. It is a gift to me.


  1. You Go Girl!

    The Bear

  2. O Mackenzie, please keep writing for others to read. Not to promote yourself or your writing, but to nurture others with your wisdom, creativity, and sensitivity to the beauty of life and God. Your creativity is a gift not just to yourself, but to ME. God bless you.
