

met and interesting woman tonight.

There I was in my Theories of Personality class student #59 racing to my seat as the clock struck 4:30pm on the dot. It is a large class of about 100 students. Most everyone is chatting and the term "clanging symbol" came to mind. Colorful characters strewn about as I opened the classroom door.

Wow this is a rowdy group, I thought.

I sat at the only chair that seemed to be last in the very last row of the class. It is always such a sight to walk slowly up the steps to your seat.

Is my hair a mess? Probably. Is my fly down? Who knows, Can't check now I have too many books in my hand. Is everyone staring at me? Eh, like I really care.

I threw my books on the table, took off my twelve layers of clothing (don'tcha love Colorado) and plopped in my seat. I was not in the mood to talk to anyone. I have two 3 hour classes on Monday nights and the quicker I can get them over with the better.

I looked to my left and an overweight middle eastern girl who had a face that was flawless (Her skin was like a dolls!) was sitting next to me. She was quiet but fidgeting. She was probably in her late twenties but dressed like she was in high school. Wait, who am I kidding. I still dress like I did in high school. I accidentally made eye contact with her as I grabbed a pen out of my purse and smiled.

She didn't smile back. In fact, she flat out rolled her eyes at me.

So here I am, exhausted and a bit grumpy not wanting to extend myself in the least bit. I mean, she obviously didn't want to talk and the lecture was starting soon so it was fine.

Just a typical college class right?


I pulled out my folder and opened my book as the teacher posed this question to the class...

We are going to get to know one another. Get into a small group and talk about what you think defines you. What is your personality?

Great. Here I am in the very back corner of the class. Which means rolly-eye-girl and I were going to be partners. I truly wanted to extend myself but frankly, I am an introvert. Since it's a personality class can't I just say I'm introverted to her and then get back to work?

I looked at her and gave all my effort to put on a really good face. Like seriously, gave all my effort.

Hi, I'm Mackenzie, what is your name?
Awesome! What's your major here?
I'm doubling degrees and minors.
Nice! That must be a ton of work. How impressive. What would that be in?
Forensics and Psychology. I want to be a forensic psychologist at some point.
Interesting... that must be a really cool avenue of study.
Yeah it is. So what's your major?
Well I have changed a bunch. I decided to move away from English Education as student teaching doesn't work with my work schedule and my mommy/wife schedule.
You have a kid? You're way too young.
(Wanting to roll my eyes) Yes, I know I was really young. Do you have kids?
Nope, screw that sh*t, I hate kids.
Me...trying to change the subject. Are you married?
I f*cking hate men too. I divorced my husband last year. We had a contractual marriage and he fell in love with me. I don't want kids, I don't a marriage and frankly you'll probably be the only person I will ever talk to in this class.
(Me, completely stunned but trying to stay calm... I see a lot of hurt, a LOT of hurt in her eyes) Well Melissa, you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to but I'll always lend a listening ear.
Yeah yeah thanks.
*Awkward silence*
(Me, really going out on a limb... I swear the words just dripped out of my mouth) Is there anything I can help you with Melissa?
Nawww. I'm just ready to get my degree and do something with my life.
I understand...we're not that different. We both seem like introverts. We have the same personality (laughter). Should be a fun class!

The teacher interrupted everyone to get back to the lecture. I felt a strange sense of sadness for Melissa. She was in the military, alone and with no one who supported her. I was the only person who had probably tapped into her reality in a long time.

I smiled at her the rest of the 3 hours but didn't say anything to her. I didn't know what to say. How do you tell someone who has lost almost everything and are hurting soo bad that God loves and sees them?

I got all my books and smiled good-bye to Melissa as I scurried to my next class.

The Lord spoke to me as I climbed the 3 flights of stairs.

Mackenzie, you don't have to tell her that I love her. You are me to her. Just listen to her, show up for her, you are intuitive. Why do you think you sat next to her out of the 100 seats in the class?

I prayed for Melissa. Her heartache is real and obviously the wounds of something are so far deeper than I thought.

Who have you sat next to recently? Who have you engaged in conversation with?

I make it a goal each day to look strangers in the eye and smile. You'd be amazed by what happens. Some people are scared, some look away, some smile back and sometimes if you extend just a little bit more... they open up.

We all have a story. But are you willing to listen to someone elses?


  1. Beautiful Mackenzie - so wonderful to feel when God uses you to really "hear" someone, isn't it? Keep it up, girl, and may Melissa discover the amazing love of her Heavenly Father through you...

  2. Yes...it's the small things isn't it? I find down here in South FL there is a lot of hardness. One of the things I've been trying out lately is smiling at people I see along the roads I run. I usually get one smile out of 25 but that one smile means a lot. Good reminders!

  3. Hi! Wow I loved reading this. I do this ALL the time, and silly but it really stings when you try to be kind or reach out to someone and you hit a brick wall! Wow, especially in LA, in Colorado strangers are usually a least polite. Keep trying is all you can do :). By the way, random but I found your blog on facebook bc Soren and I are best friends from CSCS- Her brother Tiel you know obviously!! Anyhow I have a blog on design stuff mostly but smiled when I read yours! Hope your tuesday treats you well, thanks for your story.


  4. Fantastic insight Mac...your a great communicator! LOVE reading your blog...

  5. WOW!!! I **loved** reading this and frankly am feeling miffed at myself for just now getting around to doing so. From one introvert to another I identify with your experience on a personal level. Every Monday night I will have you in mind; Jesus is doing a beautiful work in and through you Mackenzie. What an encouragement and delight to see...

  6. Thank you Jessica!! What an encouragement! I love me some Tiel, I haven't seen Soren in ages!! Grateful I could make you smile.... :)

    Thanks Cheryl, I'm always intrigued by the stories I get to hear :)
